Become a professional Diving Instructor, the socio-economic outlook

In France the socio-economic situation for a Diving Instructor can vary according to a number of factors such as experience, qualifications, reputation and geographical location of the dive centre.  The tasks that the Instructor is entrusted with will also have a bearing.

In general Diving Instructors are employed in dive centres or training centres.  The average net monthly salary is between €1,500 and €2,500.


However, depending on how the structure functions, income can vary according to a number of factors, notably the number of dives, number of students trained, seasonality of the activity, prevailing prices and market competition.  Certain structures will remunerate their employees according to a quote of number of dives, number of students trained…and others will pay a net monthly salary regardless of the number of dives undertaken etc

It is also important to note that Dive Instructors must often deal with significant costs to maintain their equipment and certifications, which can have an impact on their net income.  However, depending on the structure, Instructor equipment can be paid for by the centre, some certifications aswellEverything is a question of negotiation!

To summarise the socio-economic outlook on an Instructor in France can be satisfactory, but it well depend on a number of factors, notably experience; qualifications, location and an Instructor’s capacity to attract and retain clients.

A word from our Instructor

This is what diving means to me, me the little child of a farmer from Tarn and Garonne, who’d never seen the sea….But who’d grown up and dreamed whilst watching the tv series of Commandant Cousteau, the “Astronauts of the Sea”. And then I grew up and I had the luck to realise part of my dream….So this is certain; I’ll never be a millionaire, and I don’t count the number of hours I spend at work, but I have the privilege of having made by passion my profession, and also, possibly; to help others realize their “childhood dream”
"Rêve d'enfant"