You want to become a Scuba Diving Instructor?
What better than to read the comments of those who have already done this with Aqualonde Plongée...

Voici leurs témoignanges
I did a season in Corsica and obtained my Niveau 4. It was there that I met Clément, who suggested that I come and complete the Moniteur Fédéral 1 in his dive centre. I accepted without hesitation and completed a season with Aqualonde getting great experience in teaching, boat piloting, logistics and the many other tasks related to running a dive centre. I also became a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor (OWSI). The following year I did the DEJEPS (French state Instructor qualification) as an Intern in Clément’s centre. This journey was long and difficult but I have no regrets and have only positive memories. These two years with Aqualonde were extremely beneficial in terms of acquiring experience in this profession. Today I am DEJEPS and PADI Instructor at Aqualonde, and I don’t count on stopping there!

Aurélien Mandon
Aqualonde Instructor
I’ve been diving since I was eight years old, as a passion. After my BAC (Economic and Social), I worked a succession of jobs : Barman then Bar Manager, Interior Architect, Holiday Centre Rep, Butcher and Reception leader and certified controller on the ski lifts at Alpes d’Huez. With the idea of working summer and winter seasons I became a dive professional in 2020, when I passed the OWSI, DEJEPS and SSI Instructor. Since then I’ve been working as a seasonal Instructor in France and overseas : at Le Lavandou in the Var. then at Mayotte, and at Porquerolles, also in the Var.

Alveen Ahloye
33 ans
I discovered scuba diving during a trip to South America, where I did my first diving courses. Not long afterwards I became a PADI Instructor in the Philippines where I worked for three years. When COVID happened I returned to France and made use of the opportunity to pass the DEJEPS. It was necessary to find a dive centre to do my Internship. I visited a number and chose Aqualonde Plongée at La Londe les Maures. Prior to becoming an Instructor I was a Sales Rep. I changed my path completely despite nothing having been planned…
I signed up to the French Navy in 2000 as a naval mechanic. After a number of years working closely with divers, I decided to train for a year to apply for a place in the military diving school. In 2008 I was accepted (and certified) as a Ship’s Diver. In 2013 I specialised further and became a commercial diver. I left the Armed Forces in 2021 after 20 years of service and started the DEJEPS in 2022. I was based in Mandelieu (06) at the beginning of the course but in April 2022, I found myself obliged to change dive centre as the initial one closed. This is how I met Clément who agreed to take me on as an Intern. At the end of 2022 I gain my DEJEPS certification. In January 2023 I handed out CV’s to find work at a dive centre and was employed by one of them in the 06 (Alpes-Maritimes), where I live.
Karim Alaoui